Potential issues with multi-touch touchscreens on Windows 8 and 10

Chris Thornton

Last Update 6 months ago

You may experience problems using multi-touch touchscreens on Windows 8 and 10 if the user is not capable of performing a clearly defined single point of touch. The program will not respond if the user hits the screen with a palm or a fist.

Our touchscreen software has been programmed to respond to a left-mouse click. A single point of touch in Windows 8/10 will emulate a left mouse-click... however, two (or more) points of touch will be interpreted as a 'gesture' - a completely different command which our software will duly ignore.

This issue does not affect multi-touch users running on Windows 7. Windows 7 will accept the first point of touch and ignore whatever additional contact is made, successfully emulating a left-mouse click.

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